What did you do or did for a living? I am a law professor at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
What woman from history (alive or dead) would you love to have dinner with and why? So many possible answers to this question! But I would have to go with Sojourner Truth. Truth escaped from slavery with her infant daughter, had an enormous impact as an abolitionist and women’s rights activist, delivered the Ain’t I a Woman speech (which should be required reading), and gave herself the most kickass name to replace the enslaved name she was born with.
What piece of wisdom would you like to pass along to younger women? Don’t wait on the sidelines, hoping that those in power will notice and do right by you. Get yourself into the conversation.

What would you do if you had the whole day for yourself? I’d take a long hike, read a great novel, do a crossword puzzle, and let my husband (who is an excellent cook) serve me dinner while I watch tv on the couch.
What do you love most about being a woman? The daily opportunity to make things a little easier for other women.
What is the one piece of clothing you cannot live without? I am new to Alembika and don’t know how I’ve managed so long without Punto Pants.

I have Ozai N Ku pieces already and enjoy wearing them all the time.