By Yael Edelist

There is this practice I like to try to do but usually fail at:

Take 1 day or start with 1 hour  and try to only speak at and about the people you are with in the room.

No talking about anyone who is not present with you. 

When we talk about others who are not present, we gossip.

I bet I would have much less to say if I was able to follow this rule. 

How much of the day do we gossip?  

Happy Week,


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1 Comment

  1. that is a good exercise…..i do something similar that is quite effective. In my international handwriting analysis practice. After I analyze the handwriting we pick out a trait that needs strengthening. Through Graphotherapy you can actually strengthen a trait by changing elements in your handwriting. This method is being used in the USA, Paris, Germany, Switzerland ,London by leading corporations as well as individuals to understand the workings of themselves and how to get along more amicably with others. There are “people” exercises that are fun and effective and are being used at social gatherings, business meetings, schools, etc
    contact” G

    Contact” GrapholgyConsultingGroup,inc 786 999 2413

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