We welcome Ann Dempsey to the #Alembikawomen family, here are her answers to our #AlembikaWomen questions…
What did you do or do for work?
Happily retired for 20 years and so fortunate to have this luxury, I worked in communications for the technology industry.
What would you do if you had the whole day for yourself?
The possibilities are endless. At the risk of sounding like Pollyanna, every day is for living and creating new adventures. And that includes just sitting and enjoying.
What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
I don’t know. That’s never happened.
What is the best thing about being a woman?
Quite simply, options. After finishing high school, I decided to be a forest ranger. Nope. The university wasn’t accepting female applicants. OK. How about veterinary school? No again. They only accepted three female applicants per year. I then pursued a university degree in communications. That was more womanly…until I rose through the ranks and became the only female company director who managed – gasp – men. It is thrilling to see the advancements that women have made in society with so many more to go.
What is the one piece of clothing you cannot live without?
Any one of my Alembika pants. They check off any and all boxes.