About #AlembikaWomen

Meet Michelle – #alembikawomen

We welcome Michelle Birnbach to the #Alembikawomen family, here are her answers to our #AlembikaWomen questions…

What did you do or do for work?

I was fortunate to be an interior designer and loved what I did for 40+ years.

What would you do if you had the whole day for yourself?

I’m fortunate to still spend my days with my husband who I met when we were just 15 years old. I always want to be with my family, just loving them quietly and enjoying them with peace of mind. So even if I had a day to myself, I’d still want to be with my loved ones.

What is the best thing about being a woman?

I love being a woman because we have so many unique abilities. We are strong and nurturing, multi faceted…women are capable of doing anything & everything they choose to do.

What advice do you have for younger women?

I would tell younger women to be true to themselves and trust your chakra as everyone has their uniqueness and they should always be proud and confident in who they are.

Who would you love to have dinner with?

Michelle Obama. I would try to appeal to her patriotism and convince her to run for president to save our democracy as she is the most revered woman since Princess Diana.

What is the one piece of clothing you cannot live without?

My new favorite are the Urban striped black lantern pants. You can dress them up or casual. They are flattering, comfortable and freeing. My first purchase was the Galaxy Punto Pants and then I was hooked on Alembika!

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