Bobbi Prager, President, Hadassah Florida Atlantic Region, is wearing a beautiful shirt from Alembika’s most recent Resort Collection. She shared her thoughts on Hadassah, women’s empowerment and more.

What makes you passionate about Hadassah? 
Hadassah is the one organization that not only supports healing, teaching and research at the two hospitals and nursing school that are part of the Hadassah Medical Organization—but provides education and support for disadvantaged youth within and outside of Israel—as well as Young Judea camps and programs for Jewish youth in the United States, while maintaining a strong advocacy program.

Describe what Hadassah’s “the power of women who DO” means to you.  
Whatever or wherever the need, whether it be raising funds to support Hadassah’s programs or advocating for women’s health or against anti-semitism, the 300,000 members and Associates are a united force that make change happen.

Tell us what does Alembika’s “I am the source” campaign means to you. 
I see this tagline as standing for women’s empowerment.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
On those very rare occasions, I take some time to reflect.

What would you do if you had the whole day to yourself?
Relax – something I rarely have an opportunity to do.

What moment in your life made you think that life would never be the same?
The birth of my son was definitely life altering and changed my perspective on the future.

What is the best thing about being a woman? 
For me, at this stage in my life, it is the ability to choose where I can focus my energy to make a difference—to decide what I want my legacy to be.

What is the one piece of clothing you cannot live without?
Leggings, for comfort and the flexibility of adapting your look by what you wear with them.

Bobbi Prager, President, Hadassah Florida Atlantic Region
Bobbi Prager, President, Hadassah Florida Atlantic Region

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