My good friend told me a story yesterday that made me think….
His mother didn’t feel right in the middle of the night and felt she needed to go to the hospital right away. She lives on her own so she called an ambulance and gave them her son’s cell phone number to call. He did not get the call—who knows what happened—but he never showed up. She spent the night in the ER by herself. She is back home now and feeling much better.
Who will I call when I am in need? This is a hard question since it means I have to be vulnerable. First, I have to realize that I may not always be able to get through life on my own. Then, I have to entrust others to help me get through it in times of crisis. It is hard to accept that I will not always be able to help myself, let alone give that responsibility to others.
But realizing this can only make us stronger. When we are vulnerable and honest about our limitations, we will be able to better help ourselves and each other. Vulnerability is a state to embrace, not move beyond. In the end, nobody wants to spend a night in the ER, but if we have to, we definitely don’t want to do it alone. Nobody wants to be in need, but one day we will be—so why not have a few people to call?
I made a list of 5 people who I know will come immediately—no questions asked.
Do you have 5 people to call in an emergency?
Happy Monday!
Yael Edelist is the President of Roni Rabl,
the sole distributor of Alembika in the US.
Follow Yael: @yael_edelist