Carol of @carolelizabethdietz is a visual storyteller who says, I could do this forever.” She is also a fashion influencer, creative dresser, aunt, godmother, Girl Scout and Alembika ambassador who adds so much creative flair to everything she wears.

What did you do or do for work? 
I am an art director and designer who worked at the New York Times for 24 years. Before that, The New York Daily News, Scholastic, Workmen Publishing, MacMillan, and Southstreet Seaport Museum magazine. I enjoy page design, words and text, and the balance of visual excitement. I am currently working with photographers to compile their work into cohesive photo books.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
I sit down with a pencil and paper and write down all of the things that are possible. Even the tiniest thing. And start to make the tiniest bit of progress. A phone call, a plan… It is important for me to not give up!

What would you do if you had the whole day to yourself?
Before guilt sets in about having this gift of life, I let go of the woulds, shoulds and coulds. I think of all of my creative projects… The jewelry box to make with my mother-in-law’s old necklaces, sewing some old embroidered napkins together to make a table cover, repairing a pair of earrings that I made. I know that I feel happy when I am creating something. A free day, or a few hours, is a little bit of heaven.

What is the best thing about being a woman?
I am grateful to be who I am. I know that I share love and kindness. I am a good person. I work hard. I also love to wear a dress. I love being comfortable in cotton! I naturally accessorize and match things up. As a woman, I have the power to invent my look every day. And I do! How I dress each day gives me power.  I am the woman, living in her clothing. Not hiding, not pretending, not invading. Wearing my heart on my sleeve is more like it.

What is the one piece of clothing you cannot live without?
Easy! A white shirt! Plain, with a scarf, several necklaces, pearls, a sweater vest, a jacket over it, tied at the waist, open to the waist, buttoned up, unbuttoned too low, layered, rolled up sleeves, 10 bracelets, cuff turned up, brooch attached, collar up (coffee stain hidden!).

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