Lori Heiken, a Co-Managing Director of Outreach & Engagement, Hadassah Florida shares her thoughts on life, being an empowered woman and Hadassah.
What moment in your life made you think, “After that, life was never the same.”
When my daughter was in a fatal car accident along with other teens—we created a fund in her memory, giving out college scholarships. And we have speaking engagements to educate high schoolers on the danger of sleep deprivation and driving. And, working for Hadassah, I know I can put my efforts toward helping in the world.
What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
Reach out for thoughts and opinions, then sit back and assess.
What would you do if you had the whole day to yourself?
Relax on the beach with a good book… nearing Happy Hour, enjoy a sip of wine.
What’s the best thing about being a woman?
Enjoying having the option to change my look from day to day… Hair color and style, makeup, clothing. You never know how I am going to look!
What is the one piece of clothing you cannot live without?
Black leggings. They dress up or down, encourage me to exercise and I can sit comfortably on zooms.
What makes you passionate about Hadassah?
As a co-managing director and employee, I have best of both worlds. I’m passionate about our mission. I work every day knowing Hadassah makes a difference in the world through its renowned research and advocacy—and in the lives of our volunteers.