In the spring of 2017 at 59 years of age, I received my yearly mammogram.  When I got a call that there were abnormalities in my left breast, I would need to have another mammogram. Then I met Dr. Jill Smith, my oncological surgeon, who said the words that all women dread hearing, “You have breast cancer.” Dr. Smith was wonderful, very reassuring and very caring as she delivered this news and outlined my treatment plan.

Fortunately, I had the non-invasive type of breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ. After a successful lumpectomy, I was under the care of my medical oncologist, Dr. Ike, who prescribed hormone therapy, which I took for 5 years. Bone density loss was a side effect of that medicine, so I had to take other medicine to prevent it.  A month after surgery, I began radiation treatments for 36 days. I was warned that my left breast would shrink but that wasn’t a concern for me. To me, radiation was just part of the plan and something to get through. My team of doctors were amazing!  Thankfully, I was given the all-clear in 2022.

Along with a great team of doctors, I was very fortunate to have the support of my husband, my family, my church, and my friends.  I would tell my 59-year-old self to lean on them and everything will be fine.

Going through radiation treatments, I wore many button-down blouses. I preferred soft comfy fabrics. Oversized garments but ones that still made me feel and look good. My daughter-in-law helped in this arena with beautiful pieces from Alembika.  

Janet Redding

The one word that describes me today and even then, going through tests, surgery, and treatments is BLESSED!

I am a big proponent of yearly mammograms. When a friend or relative says they’re overdue for their yearly, I nudge until they’ve scheduled it.

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